Top Apps for Business

No matter what handset you’re using, we’ve sifted through the hundreds of thousands of apps out there to find the ones that will help you most with your business



GmailEssential free email, particularly if you aren’t part of an email group linked to a server. It’s quick and easy to set up an account, which comes with 25GB of storage (which should satisfy even the most demanding users) and offline support. (Cost – Free)

Drive – Cloud storage is being used more and more often, and Drive is an excellent app to sync up documents, images and files from your computer with your device. If you use Chrome on your computer, you can add an extension which allows you to quickly drop files in and have instant access on your Android device. (Cost – Free)

Evernote – Fabulous digital note taking app, enabling you to quickly jot down thoughts and to-do lists and share them between devices and people easily. (Cost – Free)

Pocket – If you’re a commuter, you’ll be all too familiar with your 3G signal dropping out on the train or having none at all on the tube. This app allows you to store interesting articles offline to read in just such situations. (Cost – Free)


Apple iOS

Dropbox – Essential cloud storage app. Easily access any files or documents you store in the Cloud from your iOS device, whether your iPhone, iPad, iPod or Mac and have them wherever you go without using up vital memory. (Cost – Free)

PDF Reader – If you’re constantly on the go, this app will prove essential in allowing you to read full PDF files on your handset or tablet. Read PDFs received through email or stored in the Cloud with ease and perfect clarity. (Cost – £3.99)

LinkedIn – Stay in contact with everyone you work with or do business with wherever you are. LinkedIn is a business based social media app, meaning that you can connect with people on a professional level, and always have their most up-to-date details to hand. (Cost – Free)

Numbers – If you find yourself needing to create and edit spreadsheets on the go, Numbers is for you. Share your documents between your iOS devices and organise your tables easily with in-built Excel functionality. (Cost – £6.99)


Windows Phone 8

SkyDrive – Another great Cloud based storage system, SkyDrive is incredibly easy to use and configure. You can sync up documents, photos, contacts and pretty much any other file to your account so that you not only always have a copy, but have access on any device with an internet connection. (Cost – Free)

OneNote – A great little note-taking app, OneNote allows you to jot down to-do lists or notes and organise them separately. It syncs instantly with your SkyDrive account so you can access them anywhere and always have a back up of important details. (Cost- Free)

BuzzFeed Mobile – A very well designed and good-looking app, BuzzFeed will bring you all of the latest stories taking the internet by storm and keeping you ahead of emerging trends. Great to catch up on the latest news, or just to kill some time on the commute. (Cost – Free) – Keep track of your bookings, book new tickets or just check on the latest train information with this easy to use and accessible app from If you’re always on the move, you’ll find this invaluable. (Cost – Free)


BlackBerry 10

Work Drives – Access and manage your drives remotely, safe in the knowledge that your information is secure. Currently only available for BlackBerry 10 devices, this is a nifty system for out-of-the-office file access we hope to see more of. (Cost – Free)

Cisco WebEx Meetings –  No longer will you have to rush back to the office for a meeting; with WebEx, you’re able to join any web conference using your BlackBerry 10 device from wherever you are. (Cost – Free)

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HTC One M7 Rumour Roundup

htccountThe announcement of HTC’s latest handset is fast approaching, and the rumours are circulating feverishly…

While there have been many alleged leaks over the past few weeks, the final details of the new HTC handset (including the name) are only going to be revealed later on today.

In the meantime, we’re speculating that its screen will be one of the best in its class with improved pixel density, and an updated UI to keep up with the latest technological developments.

New Chassis? 

We’ve heard that there is a possibility that the body of the handset itself will be metal with stereo front-facing speakers, which appears to be what’s being teased on HTC’s website currently.

It also seems as though there is a major update to the camera, providing a ‘whole new camera experience’, but what exactly this means remains to be seen.

What we can tell you is that the phone will be available through Carphone Warehouse Business, so watch this space for availability and pricing.

For the latest updates, follow us on Twitter: @CPWBusiness

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Tablet Etiquette At Work


Every man and his dog now owns a tablet of some description, thanks to falling cost prices and technological advances making them more portable. 

However, we’re still getting used to tablets in everyday life.

At first, tablets in the office were a bit of a novelty, something intriguing, with the brave few early uptakers daring to use them in meetings generally mocked for being pretentious. But a few short months later, it is the minority that attend a meeting without a glowing pad of electronic magic.

playbookUsing Your Tablet in a Meeting

Tablets can be very useful at work, from instantly being able to display presentations and media to a group of people to finding emails related to the topic at hand.

They can also cause considerable annoyance as users become engrossed in their cyber world when their focus should really be elsewhere.

Checking on all of your social media sites is pretty poor form in a meeting, particularly if you’re blatant about it. Same goes for doing your shopping or downloading games. Save it until later.

Using Your Tablet At Your Desk sonys

In all honesty, if you have a desktop PC, there really isn’t a case for having your tablet turned on and sitting on your desk next to you. Arguments can be made over the fact the additional screen could sync with your incoming emails or update you with the latest stock prices, but we all know that in reality you just want to stream Sky Sports to it while you work.

If you are going to do this, be discreet. There’s no need to flaunt that you’re sat at work watching the latest results come through. Keep it muted or wear headphones, and pay attention to what’s going on around you.

archosUsing Your Tablet on the Commute

Obviously, this one is for those of us who have to pack into a tube or train to get to and from the office; if you’re driving or cycling, it’s not a good idea to be playing with your tablet!

As I mentioned, everybody seems to have a tablet these days, or and e-reader, or just a very large screened phone. Step onto any train at rush hour and almost every single commuter’s face will be illuminated by a screen as they read the latest book they’ve downloaded on Amazon’s recommendation. This is totally fine, particularly on the Tube where eye contact with a stranger is a mortal sin, however there are some dangers to being completely engrossed.


One in particular is attempting to read when you’re having to stand. With often jerky movements, I have seen trains send people flying across the carriage more than once when they’ve been too busy reading or scrolling to actually hold on to something. Secure yourself before your latest ebay purchase.

The other is becoming completely oblivious to anyone else in the carriage. Standing right by the door and not moving a millimetre when they open will not win you any friends, especially when fifty people are trying to pass through you to get on and off the train. Remember that on public transport, you too are a member of the collective public, and should afford others the same courtesies  you would want for yourself.

Tablets are having a massive influence on how we go about our everyday lives, and this influence will only increase as technology speeds along its highway of innovation. As long as we remember that there is a physical world beyond the screen, their usefulness as a tool has no limits.

For tablets and phones for your business, call us on 0800 049 6023

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